RACC Vegetables

Genesis R&D Manual

RACC Vegetables

Product category

Reference amount

Label statement




Dried vegetables, dried tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, dried mushrooms, dried seaweed

5 g, add 5 g for products packaged in oil

_ piece(s); ⅓ cup (_ g)

Dried seaweed sheets

3 g

_ piece(s) (_ g); _ cup(s) (_ g)

Vegetables primarily used for garnish or flavor, e.g., pimento, parsley

4 g

_ piece(s) (_ g); _ tbsp(s) (_ g) for chopped products

Fresh or canned chili peppers, jalapeño peppers, other hot peppers, green onion

30 g

_ piece(s) (_ g)11, _ tbsp(s) (_ g); _ cup(s) (_ g) for sliced or chopped products

All other vegetables without sauce: fresh, canned, or frozen

85 g for fresh or frozen; 95 g for vacuum packed; 130 g for canned in liquid, cream-style corn, canned or stewed tomatoes, pumpkin, or winter squash

_ piece(s) (_ g) for large pieces (e.g., brussel sprouts); _ cup(s) (_ g) for small pieces (e.g., cut corn, green peas); 3 oz (84 g/visual unit of measure) if not measurable by cup11

All other vegetables with sauce: fresh, canned, or frozen

110 g

_ piece(s) (_ g) for large pieces (e.g., brussel sprouts); _ cup(s) (_ g) for small pieces (e.g., cut corn, green peas); 4 oz (112 g/visual unit of measure) if not measurable by cup

Vegetable juice

240 mL

8 fl oz (240 mL)


15 g

_ piece(s) (_ g); _ tbsp(s) (_ g) for sliced products

Pickles and pickled vegetables, all types

30 g

1 oz (28 g/visual unit of measure)

Pickle relishes

15 g

_ tbsp (_ g)

Sprouts, all types: Fresh or canned

1/4 cup

¼ cup (_ g)

Vegetable pastes, e.g., tomato paste

30 g

_ tbsp (_ g) 

Vegetable sauces or purees, e.g, tomato sauce, tomato puree

60 g

_ cup (_ g); _ cup (_ mL)

Reference: https://www.fda.gov/downloads/food/guidanceregulation/guidancedocumentsregulatoryinformation/labelingnutrition/ucm513820.pdf