RACC Miscellaneous Category

Genesis R&D Manual

RACC Miscellaneous Category

 Product category

Reference amount

Label statement

Miscellaneous Category



Baking powder, baking soda, pectin

0.6 g

_ tsp (_ g)

Baking decorations, e.g., colored sugars and sprinkles for cookies, cake decorations

1 tsp or 4 g if not measurable by teaspoon

_ piece(s) (_ g) for discrete pieces; 1 tsp (_ g)

Batter mixes, bread crumbs

30 g

_ tbsp(s) (_ g);_ cup(s) (_ g)

Chewing gum8

3 g

_ piece(s) (_ g)

Cocoa powder, carob powder, unsweetened

1 tbsp

1 tbsp (_ g)

Cooking wine

30 mL

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Dietary supplements

The maximum amount recommended, as appropriate, on the label for consumption per eating occasion, or, in the absence of recommendations, 1 unit, e.g., tablet, capsule, packet, teaspoonsful, etc.

_ tablet(s), _ capsule(s), _ packet(s), _ tsp(s) (_ g), etc.

Drink mixers (without alcohol)

Amount to make 240 mL drink (without ice)

_ fl oz (_ mL)

Meat, poultry and fish coating mixes, dry; seasoning mixes, dry, e.g., chili seasoning mixes, pasta salad seasoning mixes

Amount to make one reference amount of final dish

_ tsp(s) (_ g); _ tbsp(s) (_ g)

Milk, milk substitute, and fruit juice

concentrates (without alcohol) (e.g., drink mixers, frozen fruit juice concentrate, sweetened

cocoa powder)

Amount to make 240 mL drink (without ice)

_ fl oz (_ mL); _ tsp (_ g); tbsp (_ g)

Drink mixes (without alcohol): all

other types (e.g., flavored syrups and powdered drink mixes)

Amount to make 360 mL drink (without ice)

_ fl oz (_ mL); _ tsp (_ g); _ tbsp (_ g)

Salad and potato toppers,

e.g., salad crunchies, salad crispins, substitutes for bacon bits

7 g

_ tbsp(s) (_ g)

Salt, salt substitutes, seasoning salts (e.g., garlic salt)

1/4 tsp

1/4 tsp (_g); _piece(s) (_g) for

discrete pieces (e.g., individually packaged products)

Seasoning oils and seasoning sauces (e.g., coconut concentrate, sesame oil, almond oil, chili oil, coconut oil, walnut oil)

1 tbsp

1 tbsp (_ g)

Product category

Reference amount

Label statement

Seasoning pastes (e.g., garlic paste, ginger paste, curry paste, chili paste, miso paste), fresh or frozen

1 tsp

1 tsp (_ g)

Spices, herbs (other than dietary supplements)

1/4 tsp or 0.5 g if not measurable by teaspoon

1/4 tsp (_ g); _ piece(s) (_ g) if not measurable by teaspoons (e.g., bay leaf)

Reference: https://www.fda.gov/downloads/food/guidanceregulation/guidancedocumentsregulatoryinformation/labelingnutrition/ucm513820.pdf