RACC Sugars and Sweets

Genesis R&D Manual

RACC Sugars and Sweets

Product category

Reference amount

Label statement

Sugars and Sweets



Baking candies (e.g., chips)

15 g

_ piece(s) (_ g) for large pieces; _ tbsp(s) (_ g) for small pieces; 1/2 oz (14 g/visual unit of measure) for bulk products

After-dinner confectionaries

10 g

_ piece(s) (_ g)

Hard candies, breath mints

2 g

_ piece(s) (_ g)

Hard candies, roll-type, minisize in dispenser packages

5 g

_ piece(s) (_ g)

Hard candies, others; powdered candies, liquid candies

15 mL for liquid candies; 15 g for all others

_ piece(s) (_ g) for large pieces; _ tbsp(s) (_ g) for "mini-size" candies measurable by tablespoon; _ straw(s) (_ g) for powdered candies; _ wax bottle(s) (_ mL) for liquid candies; ½ oz (14 g/visual unit of measure) for bulk products

All other candies

30 g

_ piece(s) (_ g); 1 ½ oz (42 g/visual unit of measure) for bulk products

Confectioner's sugar

30 g

_ cup (_ g)

Honey, jams, jellies, fruit butter, molasses, fruit pastes, fruit chutneys

1 tbsp

1 tbsp (_ g); 1 tbsp (15 mL)


30 g

_ cup(s) (_ g) for small pieces; _ piece(s) (_ g) for large pieces


4 g

_ tsp (_ g) ; _ piece(s) (_ g) for discrete pieces (e.g., sugar cubes, individually packaged products)

Sugar substitutes

An amount equivalent to one

reference amount for sugar in sweetness

_ tsp(s) (_ g) for solids; _ drop(s)

(_ g) for liquid; _ piece(s) (_ g) (e.g., individually packaged products)


30 mL for all syrups

2 tbsp (30 mL)

Reference: https://www.fda.gov/downloads/food/guidanceregulation/guidancedocumentsregulatoryinformation/labelingnutrition/ucm513820.pdf

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