RACC Nuts and Seeds

Genesis R&D Manual

RACC Nuts and Seeds

Product category

Reference amount

Label statement

Nuts and Seeds



Nuts, seeds, and mixtures, all types: sliced, chopped, slivered, and whole

30 g

_ piece(s) (_ g) for large pieces (e.g., unshelled nuts);_ tbsp(s) (_ g) ;_ cup(s) (_ g) for small pieces (e.g., peanuts, sunflower seeds)

Nut and seed butters, pastes, or creams

2 tbsp

2 tbsp (_ g)

Coconut, nut and seed flours

15 g

_ tbsp(s) (_ g); _ cup (_ g)

Reference: https://www.fda.gov/downloads/food/guidanceregulation/guidancedocumentsregulatoryinformation/labelingnutrition/ucm513820.pdf