Ingredient Statements

Genesis R&D Manual

Ingredient Statements

Along with the Labels, the program will also automatically create ingredient statements, which can be edited and displayed on the Label page.

View Ingredient statement

    • Click Ingredient Statement on the Recipe Ribbon. This opens the Ingredient Statement window.

The top pane lists Ingredients in the order they were entered into the Recipe and shows their alternate or simplified Ingredient Statement Names and Sub-Ingredients if applicable. The middle pane lists Ingredients by weight. The bottom pane shows how the Ingredient Statement will appear on the Label.

There are a variety of ways to list the items for your ingredient statement. Items can be listed as is, or listed by user-created Ingredient Statement Names. Items in sub-Recipes (Recipes within a Recipe) can be listed singly, merged or expanded, again, as is, or by user-created Ingredient Statement Names.

The following explanations apply only if you are using a Recipe within a Recipe.


When sub-Recipes are listed as single items, the sub-Recipe is appears in the Ingredients window as a single item without its ingredients listed.

Example: Seasoning would appear simply as “Seasoning” without listing the ingredients of the seasoning (garlic powder and salt, for instance).

The Ingredient statement would read: Salt, sunflower seeds, seasoning.

    1. With the ingredient statement window open, click the icon to the left of the selected sub-Recipe until the single item icon appears, or right-click on the item and select Single from the menu.
    2. The bottom pane will show how the ingredient statement will appear on the label. If this is correct, click OK.


The sub-Recipe appears in the Ingredients pane with its individual ingredients also displayed - indented and in order by weight — directly below it. In the final Ingredient statement, these items will be enclosed in parentheses immediately

following the sub-Recipe’s name.

Example: The ingredient statement would read: Salt, sunflower seeds, seasoning (salt, garlic powder).

Note that in this example, salt is listed twice. It is both an ingredient of the subcomponent and an ingredient of the foodlist.

List by expanded items

      • With the ingredient statement window open, click the icon to the left of the selected sub-Recipe until the Expanded icon appears. The bottom pane will show how the ingredient statement will appear on the label. If this is correct, click OK.


The sub-Recipe ingredients are listed individually by weight, but the name of the sub-Recipe is not listed. If there is another occurrence of the same ingredient in the full Recipe, the items will be combined and the summed value will be placed

in its correct position by percentage of total weight.

For example: The salt from the sub-Recipe and the salt from the Recipe are “merged” and appear as a single ingredient.

The ingredient statement would read, Sunflower seeds, salt, garlic powder.

List by merged items

        1. With the ingredient statement window open, click the icon to the left of the selected sub-Recipe until the Merged icon appears.
        2. The bottom pane will show how the ingredient statement will appear on the label. If this is correct, click OK.

Creating a User-generated Ingredient Statement

    1. From within the Ingredient Statement window, Select Edit. This will show the current, unedited Ingredient Statement.
    2. Uncheck the Program generated Ingredient Statement box.
    3. Select the appropriate language tab.
    4. Type in the Ingredient Statement Name for the Ingredient Statement. This is for the entire Recipe.
    5. Type in the sub-Ingredient text.
    6. Click OK.

If this particular Recipe is used in another Recipe, you will get a warning dialog. If this happens, you can select to update only this use of the Recipe or all uses of the Recipe.

Select an existing Ingredient Statement Names and/or Sub-ingredients for this ingredient:

    1. Click Select.
    2. Choose from the available Ingredient Statement Names and/or Sub-Ingredients. (If necessary, you may edit these by selecting Edit on this screen.)
    3. Click OK.

Editing Ingredient Statement Names and Sub-ingredients for Individual Ingredients

If you create a new Ingredient Statement  Name with its Sub-ingredient text here, and create an identical Ingredient Statement Name with its Sub-ingredient text for other like Ingredients, the program can merge these for your Ingredient Statement.

    1. Double-click the Ingredient in the top pane

    2. If there is already an Ingredient Statement Name associated with this Ingredient, it will appear in the upper box.
    3. Type in the Ingredient Statement Name. Ex: Chicken
    4. Type in the parenthesized sub-ingredients. Be sure to type in the parentheses. Ex: (boneless, skinless)
    5. Click OK.

It will appear as such: Chicken (boneless, skinless)

Select an existing Ingredient Statement Name for this ingredient

    1. Right-click and choose Select.

    2. Choose from the available Ingredient Statement Names.
    3. Click OK.

Contains Less than 2% of

If one or more of your Ingredients make up less than 2% of the total weight of the Ingredients, you have the option of displaying these Ingredients after “Contains Less than 2% of” in your Ingredient Statement.

    1. Go to  Preferences > Object Properties.
    2. Expand the Ingredient Statement window.
    3. Check Contains Less than 2% of.

Ingredient Statement Names for the Ingredient Statement

The ESHA database provides alternate ingredient statement names for items that are believed to be single ingredients. Common or usual names are used.

Users may need to edit any given ingredient statement name to fit their specific situation. For example, the chemical function of an item is not included in the ESHA ingredient statement name, so the user will need to add this as appropriate.

Users will need to add their own ingredient statement names for foods made up of more than one ingredient.

Users can decide whether or not to include ingredients that are present in insignificant amounts on the ingredient statement.

All foods with the same ingredient statement name will be listed as one item on the ingredient statement. 

For more detailed information regarding the ingredient statement rules, see the Code of Federal Regulations, 101.4: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/21cfr101_03.html

Added Sugars Grouping

Mexico label regulations require the grouping of Added Sugars in parenthesis and listed by weight after "Added Sugars." Genesis R&D will do this automatically if the Ingredients have been designated as sugars. (Edit Ingredient > Designations)

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