RACC Mixed Dishes

Genesis R&D Manual

RACC Mixed Dishes

Product category

Reference amount

Label statement

Mixed Dishes



Appetizers, hors d’oeuvres, mini mixed dishes, e.g., mini bagel pizzas, breaded mozzarella sticks, egg rolls, dumplings, potstickers, wontons, mini quesadillas, mini quiches, mini

sandwiches, mini pizza rolls, potato skins

85 g, add 35 g for products with gravy or sauce topping

_ piece(s) (_ g)

Measurable with cup, e.g., casseroles, hash, macaroni and cheese, pot pies, spaghetti with sauce, stews, etc.

1 cup

1 cup (_ g)

Not measurable with cup, e.g., burritos, egg rolls, enchiladas,

pizza, pizza rolls, quiche, all types of sandwiches

140 g, add 55 g for products with gravy or sauce topping, e.g., enchilada with cheese sauce, crepe with white sauce[1]

_ piece(s) (_ g) for discrete pieces; _ fractional slice (_ g) for large discrete units

[1] Pizza sauce is part of the pizza and is not considered to be sauce topping.

Reference: https://www.fda.gov/downloads/food/guidanceregulation/guidancedocumentsregulatoryinformation/labelingnutrition/ucm513820.pdf