General Label Settings Tab

Genesis R&D Manual

General Label Settings Tab

U.S. only

Mexico only

Canada only

EU only

Universal Settings


  • Select U.S., Canada, EU or Mexico. The label format, regulations and other options depend on what you select here.


  • Select Nutrition Facts or Supplement Facts. (Supplement Facts available only for U.S. Labels.) 
  • If you have the U.S., Canada or Mexico label module, you will have the option of selecting the previous label regulations (1990 NLEA for U.S., 2003 for Canada, 2010 for Mexico) or the current ones.
  • Even if the new labels are required, you will be able to use both the old and new formats. We recommend using the new formats and converting your old labels to the new formats.

Recommendation Profile

  • Canada and U.S. only. Select from the available Recommendation Profiles here (including Child Label). Note: These will depend on what Country/Authority you chose. 


  • Select the appropriate style for your label and the space available. For Canada and the U.S., this is where you select Standard, Tabular or Linear labels. For Mexico 2020, you select the standard or linear. For the U.S., Canada and Mexico, this is where you select Dual Column (U.S. and Mexico) or Dual Format (Canada). For Canada 2016, this is also where you select Standard Narrow. This option is disabled for the EU.

Display Type

  • Select Full or Simplified for the US and Canada. Canada 2016 also includes the option, Simplified - single serving prepackaged products. This option is disabled for Mexico and the EU.


  • Select the position for the standard footnote. This option is only for U.S. labels.

Serving Size

  • The serving size will initially read as the gram weight of the Recipe. You can add a household measure and/or servings per container. Type in the Serving Size as you want it to read on the Label. Generally, this is an easily identifiable household measure: 1 cup, 1 Packet, 2 Tablespoons, etc. It will appear on the Label alongside the gram weight. Use the RACC to determine the appropriate household serving size.
  • Check the box to hide the calculated serving size. (This is not recommended for most labels due to regulatory requirements.)
  • Change the serving size unit of measure, either grams or milliliters, here.
  • Note: The serving size for an edible cannabis product should reflect the amount of product eaten to reach specific potency. The serving size is determined by the processor, but the label must follow the rules regarding concentration limits. Example: for a cookie containing 10 mg THC, the serving size could be ½ of the cookie because the concentration limit per serving for an edible is 5 mg THC. The label would say, “Serving Size: ½ cookie, Number of Servings per Container: 2.”

Servings Per Container

  • Type the number of Servings per Container as you want it to read on the Label.

Alternate heading

  • If you plan on using this Recipe in an Aggregate Label at some point, enter the alternate name for the food item here. An entry in this field will not show up on any standard Label formats.

Note: The available country-specific options depend on what Regulation country you have selected.


Display Serving Size as

  • Select from the options available.

Display Servings per Container as

  • Select from the options available.

Language Order

  • Select which language should appear first on the Label. This applies to bilingual Labels only.

Dual Column

The Dual Column option is used when the package requires display for two quantities - packages with 200-300% of the RACC

  • Column #1 heading - Generally, this will be "per serving" or something similar
  • Column #2 heading - Generally, this will be "per container" or something similar
  • Container size - Enter weight here and the program will calculate nutrients appropriately. These are what will be displayed in the second column


Your wording options for the Canadian settings can be changed here.

Display Serving Size as

  • Select from the options available.

Display Servings per Container as

  • Select from the options available.

Language Order

  • Select which language should appear first on the Label. This applies to bilingual Labels only.

Dual Format - Different Amounts of Food

  • Select the Household Measure heading you want to appear above the first column
  • Select the Household Measure heading you want to appear above the second column
  • Choose the weight of the serving size for the second column. The program will calculate the nutrient amount from what you enter here. 


Display 'Nutrition Facts' as (2010 labels only)

  • Select from the options available.

Display 'Servings per Container' as  (2010 labels only)

  • Select from the options available.

Language Order

  • Disabled. For Mexico labels, Spanish is always the first language.

Container Size  (2020 labels only)

  • If you choose Dual Column, you will have to display the nutrient values per container. Enter the Container quantity and measure here and Genesis R&D will calculate the nutrient values for the Per Container column on your label.


Number formatting (locale)

  • Choose the country/region here. What you select will determine punctuation and spacing appropriate to that area. (example: . vs ,)

Use Volume

  • Display the per 100 and per portion columns in milliliters.