Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed (RACC)
Genesis R&D Manual
Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed (RACC)
The Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed (RACC) is an amount of a food for use in nutrition labeling and is regulated by the FDA. The pages linked below help you set your serving sizes correctly for labeling purposes.
- RACC Infant and Toddler Foods
- RACC Bakery Products
- RACC Beverages
- RACC Cereal and Other Grain Products
- RACC Dairy Products and Substitutes
- RACC Desserts
- RACC Dessert Toppings and Fillings
- RACC Egg and Egg Substitutes
- RACC Fats and Oils
- RACC Fish, Shellfish, Game Meats, and Meat or Poultry
- RACC Fruits and Fruit Juices
- RACC Legumes
- RACC Miscellaneous Category
- RACC Mixed Dishes
- RACC Nuts and Seeds
- RACC Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes/Yams
- RACC Salads
- RACC Sauces, Dips, Gravies, and Condiments
- RACC Snacks
- RACC Soups
- RACC Sugars and Sweets
- RACC Vegetables
For help determing the category of your food see the draft guidance for RACC from the FDA.
See our Cheat Sheet for a quick reference guide to RACC changes in 2016 regulations.