Genesis 11.7 Released June 2019
Attributes Feature
By January 1, 2022, Bioengineered Labeling will be required on foods that contain any ingredients with 5% or more bioengineered material. To help our users track and declared bioengineered and other products, Genesis R&D now has an attribute feature.
Canadian Label
Canadian Labels have been stringently reviewed to make sure all formats and layouts comply with the dimensions as required in the compendium. Dimensions now appear in cm onscreen.
Name Changes
The names of the nutrient lists have been changed to be more user-friendly.
Other UI Changes.
Some wording has been updated in the user interfaces. Example: Ingredient statement and sub-ingredients, My Preferences.
Single Ingredient Added Sugar Labeling Patch
A patch was released in late July 2019 to add in the Added Sugar Symbol and Text Options for Single Ingredient Added Sugar Labeling.