Genesis R&D Manual
11.5 New Features
Jill Hohnstein (Deactivated)
The following changes were released in Genesis 11.5 (Released May 2018)
Composite Ingredients
The composite ingredient feature allows the user to create a single ingredient from averaged ingredient data. This ingredient can then be added to recipes or menus.
Mexico Nutrient Content Claims
Mexico Nutrient Content Claims are now available when using the Mexico Label.
Mexico Front of Package Label
The Mexico Front of Package regulations were published in 2014 and are mandatory for most pre-packaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages. The regulations are separate from those for the Nutrition Facts panel. Genesis allows for 4 label types of the Front of Package depending on the type of recipe created.
Calorie Ranges for Menu Label*
You can now have a range of calories per Category in your Menu Labels.* For Example (Beverages: 0-360 cal)
Reference Amount
Nutrient content claims are based on a food reference amount (this is referred to as the RACC in the U.S.). This can be the same as the serving size but also can be different. The program now prompts the user to enter a reference amount for the recipe after clicking on the Claims icon. You can also enter the reference amount on the Edit Recipe screen.
Other Features
- Allow for Specific Sugar Alcohols (Single Sugar Alcohols can be declared as specific sugar alcohols on 2016 U.S. and Canada Labels) Help Article on Specific Sugar Alcohol Setting.
- Allow importing multiple .exl files with one prompt
- eLearning Center link on Ribbon.
- Added option to sort <2% on ingredient statement by order of predominance
- Canadian 2016 label: Allow Micrograms to be displayed as µg
- Allow Carbohydrates, Sugar, Added Sugar, and Protein to fall into the "Not a Significant Source of" statement when the value is between 0.5 and 1.0.
- U.S. 2016 Label: milliliters can now be abbreviated as mL
Full Release Notes will be available upon product release
*Food Menu was renamed to Menu Label in Genesis 11.5
To view past releases view the Past Release New Features page.
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