11.6 New Features

Genesis R&D Manual

11.6 New Features

Genesis 11.6.

Added Sugar symbol (dagger) and statement

The FDA released a Draft Guidance allowing a symbol and clarifying statement for Added Sugars on the label for three products — pure honey, pure maple syrup, and certain cranberry products — to address concerns that consumers may start to view these products unfavorably when they see the amount of Added Sugars on the label. (For more information on the decision-making process, see the link above.)

We have incorporated the symbol (dagger) and statement into the program. Please note: This should only be used for pure honey, pure maple syrup, dried cranberries, and cranberry juice.

Other Fibers and Certain Vitamins Renamed

To remain consistent with FDA and industry naming conventions, we have renamed some of the nutrients in the program. Listed below are the old names and the current names (in bold):

  • Other fiber -> Non-digestible Carbohydrate
  • Other soluble fiber -> Soluble Non-digestible Carbohydrate
  • Other insoluble fiber  -> Insoluble Non-digestible Carbohydrate
  • Vitamin B1 -> Vitamin B1 - Thiamin
  • Vitamin B2 -> Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B3 -> Vitamin B3 - Niacin

The names were updated automatically in all existing documents and reports.

Alphabetize Nutrient List in Nutrients Window

You now have the option to sort your nutrients alphabetically in the Recipe, Ingredient, or Composite Ingredient Nutrients window.

Canada Dual Format Label for Different Amounts of Food

You can use the Dual Format – Different Amounts of Food label to provide nutrition information for a food in more than one amount. For instance, foods may have different uses and be consumed in different amounts, or be shown in different units of measure.

We have added that label format to the Genesis program.

To view past releases view the Past Release New Features page.