Genesis R&D Manual
Canada 2016
Use Abbreviations
This will abbreviate the nutrient names on the Label. Example: “Total Carbohydrate” will read “Total Carb.”
Show Bilingual
This is automatically checked and disabled for all Canadian labels. If your label is exempt fro the bilingual requirement, check that option (see below).
Hide Dual Declaration “Contributes and Additional...” Footnote
This will hide that footnote.
Include Recipe Name in Allergen Statement
The Allergen Statement will read “(Recipe Name) contains …” Example: Fruit Salad contains ...”
Include Recipe Name in Ingredient Statement
The Ingredient Statement will read “(Recipe Name) contains …” Example: “Fruit Salad contains ...”
Hide (4-4-9) Calorie Conversion Chart
This will hide the 4-4-9 chart displayed at the bottom of the label.
Always uppercase Allergen Statement
The Allergen Statement will appear in all caps.
Separator in Ingredient Statement
Choose a comma or bullet. Default is comma.
Display Micrograms as
Choose mcg or μg.
Round %DV to Zero
The rounding rules for some nutrients state that gram weight less than one will round up to one, thereby rounding the %DV to one as well. This option forces the rounded %DV back to the calculated value of zero.
Abbreviate Amount per serving
The column header will read “Amount” instead of “Amount per Serving”
Always Wrap Bilingual Household Measures and Container Headings
Check this to wrap text to the next line(s)
Use shortened “Not a significant source of other nutrients”
Instead of “Not a significant source of [nutrient names]”
Hide "Amount in" Footnote
This will hide that footnote
Exempt from bilingual requirement
All Canada labels will default to English/French bilingual. If your label does not have to be bilingual (check with your regulatory source), and you want to only show English or French, check this box and select the correct first language.
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