Genesis R&D Manual
Jill Hohnstein (Deactivated)
Use unrounded values when calculating the Percent Standard
- Choose this option if you want the Percent Standard (what this is depends on the Regulation) calculated from the unrounded nutrient values, instead of the rounded values on the Label.
Use Abbreviations
- This will abbreviate the nutrient names on the Label. Example: “Total Carbohydrate” will read “Total Carb.”
Show Bilingual
- This will be inactive unless you have the Mexico or Canada labeling modules.
Hide Dual Declaration “Contributes and Additional...” Footnote
- This will hide that footnote.
Show Shortened % Daily Value Footnote
- The footnote reads: "The % Daily Value tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories is a day is used for general nutrition advice." The shortened version removed the second sentence.
Include Recipe Name in Allergen Statement
- The Allergen Statement will read “(Recipe Name) contains …” Example: Fruit Salad contains ...”
Include Recipe Name in Ingredient Statement
- The Ingredient Statement will read “(Recipe Name) contains …” Example: “Fruit Salad contains ...”
Hide (4-4-9) Calorie Conversion Chart
- This will hide the 4-4-9 chart displayed at the bottom of the label.
Ingredient Statement - Insert "contains less than 2%"
- This will automatically place ingredients that make up less than 2% of the recipe into their own statement at the end of the Ingredient statement.
"Contains less than 2%" Sorted by Predominance
- When you use the "Contains less than 2%" option, checking this will order the ingredients by weight instead of alphabetically
Always uppercase Ingredient Statement
- The Ingredient Statement will appear in all caps.
Always uppercase Allergen Statement
- The Allergen Statement will appear in all caps.
Use per 100g or per 100ml
- Select which unit of measurement the nutrients will be in relation to.
Show “of which ... where allowed
- For Carbohydrates, this will show for which _____ are sugars. For Fats this will show for which _____ are satures.
Position “of which ... before each nutrient
- Aligns the words with the nutrient instead of on the line above
Show per 100 column RI values
- Will show the percent RI in addition to the values.
Show per portion column
- Will show the per portion column so consumers can compare to the per 100 (g or mL)
Show per portion column RI values
- Will show the percent RI in addition to the values.
Align Values in Columns
- Will put the values and percents in columns instead of right next to each other.
Show Ingredient Statement with Allergens
- Ingredients will appear with their corresponding allergens rather than in separate statements
Show “contains neglible amount of ...” statement
- Use this to display nutrients in small amounts
This product is a beverage
- The product is a beverage.
This package contains a single portion
- Check this when the package is a single portion
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