Use unrounded values when calculating the Percent Standard
- Choose this option if you want the Percent Standard (what this is depends on the Regulation) calculated from the unrounded nutrient values, instead of the rounded values on the Label.
Show Bilingual
- This will be inactive unless you have the Mexico or Canada labeling modules.
Include Recipe Name in Allergen Statement
- The Allergen Statement will read “(Recipe Name) contains …” Example: Fruit Salad contains ...”
Include Recipe Name in Ingredient Statement
- The Ingredient Statement will read “(Recipe Name) contains …” Example: “Fruit Salad contains ...”
Always uppercase Ingredient Statement
- The Ingredient Statement will appear in all caps.
Always uppercase Allergen Statement
- The Allergen Statement will appear in all caps.
Report Nutrients per 100 g or per 100 mL
- Report nutrient amounts per 100g or 100 mL. To use L, you must have a volume measure entered for your recipe. Warning: This could change your FOP icon display.
Front of Package Layout
- You can arrange the Front of Package symbols on your label display here. Note: the vertical option will only apply when there are three symbols.
"Contains Sweetener" Front of Package Image
- Choose either wide or narrow layout here, or choose not to show.
"Contains Caffeine" Front of Package Image
- Choose either wide or narrow layout here, or choose not to show.
Nutrient Rounding
- Round to nearest, whole number, tenth or hundredth.
Show % VNR
- Show the %VNF header on the label for voluntary nutrients.