Selecting Which Nutrients to Display
Selecting Which Nutrients to Display
You can configure your reports to display from any or all of the 160+ nutrients and nutrient factors in the program. Any number of nutrient lists can be saved for later use. (For more on Nutrients to View, visit this page.)
Go to Nutrients to View on the Home ribbon.
- Select Modify. (When you first install the program, a default list of nutrients will be included. This window shows all of the nutrients currently shown in analyses.)
- Select the New button to open the Nutrient Selection dialog.
- Choose from the Available Nutrients box which nutrients and/or nutrient factors you want your reports to display, then:
- Double-click on the nutrient; or
- Highlight the nutrient and select the add (double arrows pointing to the right) button.
Note: to remove a nutrient from the list, highlight the nutrient and click the remove button (arrows pointing to the left). This moves the nutrient to the Selected Nutrients box.
- Continue adding nutrients in this manner until you are satisfied with your list. You can change the placement of a nutrient in the list by clicking on a nutrient in the Selected Nutrients box and dragging it to the desired position.