

Use Cycles to create Meal Plans for various numbers of days - a week or a month, for example. You can create as many Cycles as needed and the Cycles can incorporate any number of days.

Creating a Cycle

    1. Click the Cycle icon. An empty Cycle window will open.
    2. From the Day Pick list (pane on the left) double-click a Day to add it to the Cycle:

    3. Continuing adding other Days in the same manner. Again, you can add as many Days as you need. Days can be repeated as appropriate.

    4. You can move days within the cycle menu by clicking on the Day's column header and dragging it right or left. 

Adding Cycles

    1. From the Cycle menu, choose Add Cycle. 

    2. Continue adding Cycles as necessary. All open Cycles will appear in the menu or under More ...

Deleting Cycles

    1. With the Cycle you want to delete onscreen, go to the Cycle menu
    2. Choose Delete Cycle

Naming your Cycle

    1. From the Cycle menu, select Modify Cycle
    2. Name the Cycle
    3. Click OK.

Cycle Day Name

There is a link at the top of each day of the cycle menu where you can change the name and date that is listed.

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