Menu Plan Reports
Jill Hohnstein (Deactivated)
Selecting Which Nutrients to Display
You can configure your Spreadsheet, Bar Graph, Multi-column and Single Nutrient reports to display any or all of the 160 nutrients and nutrient factors in the program. Any number of nutrient lists can be saved for later use. (For more on Nutrients to Display, visit this page.)
- Go to Nutrients to View on the Home ribbon.
- Select Modify. (When you first install the program, a default list of nutrients will be included. This window shows all of the nutrients currently shown in analyses.)
- Select the New button to open the Nutrient Selection dialog.
- Choose from the Available Nutrients box which nutrients and/or nutrient factors you want your reports to display, then:
- Double-click on the nutrient; or
- Highlight the nutrient and select the add (double arrows pointing to the right) button.
Note: to remove a nutrient from the list, highlight the nutrient and click the remove button (arrows pointing to the left). This moves the nutrient to the Selected Nutrients box.
5. Continue adding nutrients in this manner until you are satisfied with your list. You can change the placement of a nutrient in the list by clicking on a nutrient in the Selected Nutrients box and dragging it to the desired position.
Each of the available Day reports - Spreadsheet, Single Nutrient, Multi-Column and Bar Graph - shows the analysis for one day of your Meal Plan. The Cycle reports will show the analysis for all of the days in your Cycle or an average of, depending on the report.
The Spreadsheet shows all the values for all the displayed nutrients and indicates any missing values for each item in your selected Day. The example above shows all of the food items (ingredients and/or recipes) only.
You can also display the foods and their nutrients values within their meals or collection or both. This example shows foods by meal.
You can also show or hide the adjusted averages for day, meals and collections.
When you select the Cycle Spreadsheet, you can see the nutrition breakdown for all of the items in the cycle, PLUS the adjusted averages for each collection, each meal, each day and the entire cycle.
You may have to scroll to the right to see all the nutrients and their breakdowns. Nutrients are displayed horizontally, with totals at the bottom of the list.
Depending on the nutrients selected for display, the printed report may be several pages long. You can specify the number of columns to be printed on each page by choosing Settings from the View menu. (Enter the number in the Print ___ spreadsheet columns box.) This will help give you the printing results that fit your printer’s output.
Sort the Spreadsheet Report by ascending or descending values per column
- Right-click on the column heading.
- Select “Sort Ascending” to sort all rows in ascending order from low values at the top to high values at the bottom or select “Sort Descending” to sort all rows in descending order from values at the top to low values at the bottom.
- Select “No Sort” to return items to the order listed in the Recipe or Daily Intake.
The Multi-Column report provides an overall nutrient data summary of the selected Day. It displays the total value of each nutrient but doesn't show the individual items. The information is shown in several columns, depending on which nutrients you have selected to display. This report can be formatted to show Recommendation Values and Percent Recommendation met by selecting the appropriate checkboxes.
If you select the Cycle Multi-Column, the report will display the AVERAGE nutrient amount totals. (It averages the totals of each day in the Cycle.)
You can choose the number of display columns.
Single Nutrient
The Single Nutrient report shows what percentage of a specific nutrient each item contributes to the total intake. The report will open with the first nutrient automatically selected.
- To see the analysis for a particular nutrient, click that nutrient in the nutrient selection window:
Bar Graph
The Bar Graph report displays graphically the amount of the nutrient consumed and compares that to the dietary intake recommendations. Bars are shown only for those nutrients that have recommended values in the profile being compared to. If there is no nutrition goal for an item, there is a blank % and no graphic bar. When you select the Cycle Bar Report, the report uses an average of the days' nutrient amounts for comparison.
If you have not selected your Person for comparison purposes, the program will require you to do so when you first open the Bar Graph report.

Calories and Fats
The Calories and Fats report is useful for quickly seeing the calorie and fat breakdowns of your intake. You can view the reports in Chart or Bar Graph format.
The Source of Calories window shows graphically the percentage of calories from protein, carbohydrates, fat, and alcohol.
The Source of Fat window shows the breakdown of fat (saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and other fats).
The Cycle Calories and Fats report shows the information as an adjusted average of all the days in your cycle.
A note on other fats: Total fat can include the entire fat molecule (fatty acids + glycerol backbone), but the fatty acid groups (saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated) include only the associated fatty acids. The glycerol component is not typically identified by data sources and can make up roughly 5% of the total fat. A typical analysis in the software could show about 5% in the "other fats" component due to the glycerol component. If your analysis includes more than 5% in the "Other Fats" category, this may be due to missing values in the fatty acid groups. Saturated fat and trans fat are required label nutrients, but mono and poly fats are not and therefore not always reported by manufacturers and suppliers leading to this occurrence of missing data and a larger percent of "Other Fat" than would be expected.
Weekly (Cycle only)
the Weekly Cycle report shows up to 7 days of menu items. Foods are listed in columns by day, and in rows by meal. You can show foods by their collections as well. This report will print in landscape only and is not included in the additional reports to print preferences (My Preferences > Reports > Report Sections).
You can choose to show or hide any of the days in the Cycle, any of the meals, any of the collections and/or the collection headers.
As with all of the Menu Plans, we highly recommend that you use only the Common Names.
Calendar (Cycle only)
The Calendar report displays a monthly meal calendar from the Days in your Cycle. The month, year and meal can be selected and the report will automatically repeat the cycle as necessary to fill the month.
There are a variety of customization options available for this report.
Month and Year
Select the appropriate month and year and Food Processor will correctly format your calendar accordingly.
Show Prev/Next Month
Checking this option will display the days from the end of the previous month and the beginning of the following month on the current month's calendar view. Note: The calendar will always assume a Monday start (for the 5-day week) or a Sunday start (for the 7-day week) and will begin the cycle on that day, regardless of whether the previous and next month's days are hidden.
Select Breakfast, Morning Snack, Lunch, Afternoon Snack, Dinner, Evening Snack or No Meal. This report is configured to show only one meal at a time.
Show all the foods in a Day
- Set up your Days without Meals. You may choose to put your foods into categories. The category names will not appear on your Calendar but the foods within will be listed together.
- Add those Days to a Cycle.
- Select No Meal on the Calendar report.
Days per Week
This report assumes either full weeks or weekday weeks. Select 5 or 7.
Hide the Title
- On the Home ribbon, select MyPreferences
- Click Reports
- Expand Header/Footer
- Uncheck Print Title
Add a Header
- On the Home ribbon, select MyPreferences
- Click Reports
- Expand Header/Footer
- Expand Header
- Type in a new header. This will appear above the title or in place of the title if you have selected to hide the title.
Select here:
The reports you want to appear here:
You can export the information in the reports to a tab-delimited text file.
- Click Export
- Select to File to export it as a tab-delimited text file
- Browse to find where you want to save it
- Click OK.
- You will be able to open it in your text editor.
- OR Select to Clipboard to copy to the clipboard
- Open a new program
- Ctrl+V to paste
It will look something like this and you can add your own formatting as desired.
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