Ingredient Sidebar

Genesis R&D Manual

Ingredient Sidebar

Entering Name and Nutrient Weight

    1. Type a name in the Name box.
    2. Enter the quantity and measure for the Ingredient. Nutrient weight is often entered from information on the sample size from a vendor or “Serving Size” from a Nutrition Facts panel. Ingredients specs are often per 100g.

Note: Both the Name and Quantity must be filled in for you to continue.

Other options available from this screen

Common Name

Generally, a shortened version of the long Item Name. If you create an entry for this field, you can choose for this name to appear on your Reports (Home Tab > Preferences > General > Use Common Name). The Item Name will be replaced by the Common Name. The Common name will also appear in the Menu Labels

User Code

You can use this field to store an original, specific user code for your ingredient. Later, when adding this Ingredient to a Recipe or Menu Label foodlist, you will be able to search for it by its code. See /wiki/spaces/GENFOOD/pages/12288051 for more information.


You may choose to associate a product (brand) name with your ingredient for organization and/or ease of future searches. You can select from the existing options or add your own.


If your information comes from a supplier, you may wish to associate the supplier with the ingredient to further simplify future searches. You can select from the existing options or add your own.

Note: Created & Modified dates are automatically filled in by the program. The ESHA Code & Government\USDA Code only applies to foods already in the program’s database and cannot be changed.

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