Percent Overage Calculations

Note: This manual is for Genesis R&D Supplements 1.6 and earlier. The manual for versions 2.0 and later can be found here: Genesis R&D Supplements 2.0 Manual

Percent Overage Calculations

To maintain label claim consistency, you must account for potency loss over time. Genesis R&D offers two methods for evaluating your estimated potency loss. Both methods assume that you know the overage percentage. 

  • The Per Serving method is the default method in the program. In this method, the overage is a percentage of the per serving amount. For example, if the label claim amount is 100 mg and the overage is 10%, the per serving method calculation looks like this:
    100 mg label claim / 0.9 = 111.11 mg per serving
  • The Label Claim method is an alternate method that is used by some companies. In this method, the overage is a percentage of the label claim amount. For example, if the label claim amount is 100 mg and the overage is 10%, the label claim method calculation looks like this:
    100 mg label claim x 1.1 = 110 mg per serving. 

The selected overage calculation method applies to the entire organization. It cannot be set for individual users. Our Support Department can assist you in changing the overage calculation used by the program, and can also assist in converting your existing formulas to the new overage calculation.

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