Formula Calculations
Note: This manual is for Genesis R&D Supplements 1.6 and earlier. The manual for versions 2.0 and later can be found here: Genesis R&D Supplements 2.0 Manual
Formula Calculations
The following formulas are used to support the program Formula screen.
- Serving Weight: This is the sum of the Amount Per Serving column.
- Formula Cost: The unit for the Formula Cost field can be set in the Cost Unit field in the ribbon. Values for the Formula Cost column are rounded to two decimal places, but the program uses the unrounded numbers for calculating the total Serving Cost. (Unit weight removed) (Serving cost removed)
- Batch Weight: This field is calculated using the following formula:
Batch Weight = (Serving Weight x Servings per Container) x Number of Containers - Batch Cost: This field is calculated using the following formula:
Batch Cost = Ingredient cost x Batch Weight - Percent Organic Total: This is the percent organic total for the formula
Percent Organic Total = Sum of (Percent Organic amount entered at the ingredient level x the ingredient's percent of the the parent formula by weight) - Component Label Claim: This field reports the dry weight component amount, adjusted for the amount of moisture in the ingredient. It is calculated using the following formula:
- Definitions:
Component Amount: the amount of component that corresponds to the ingredient label claim amount, before the moisture adjustment
Component Label Claim: the amount of component that is displayed in the Label Claim column, after the moisture adjustment - Formula Steps
- Adjusted Component Amount (adjusted for moisture loss) =
[component amount x ((100 – moisture loss) / 100)] Scale Factor =
(component amount / adjusted component amount)Component Label Claim =
(scale factor x component amount)
- Adjusted Component Amount (adjusted for moisture loss) =
- Definitions:
Amount Per Serving: This field reports the weight of ingredient that is needed to provide the label claim amount, adjusted for the amount of moisture in the ingredient and the reported overage. It is calculated using the following formula:
- Definitions
Ingredient Label Claim: the amount of ingredient that is reported on the label, and is displayed in the Label Claim column
Amount Per Serving: the amount of ingredient that is displayed in the Amount Per Serving column, after the moisture and overage adjustments have been made - Formula steps
- Adjusted Ingredient Amount (adjusted for moisture loss and overage) =
[ingredient label claim x ((100 – moisture loss) / 100)] x [(100 – overage ) /100] - Scale Factor =
(ingredient label claim / adjusted ingredient amount) - Amount Per Serving =
(scale factor x ingredient label claim)
- Adjusted Ingredient Amount (adjusted for moisture loss and overage) =
- Definitions
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