Attributes Sidebar - Composite Ingredient

Genesis R&D Manual

Attributes Sidebar - Composite Ingredient

An attribute is any property of an Ingredient you want to track for any reason. 

Any attribute assigned to Ingredient will appear at the Composite Ingredient Level.

Genesis includes the Bioengineered attribute, but you can add others. See this page.


When at least one included ingredient qualifies for an Attribute, that will be shown in the Qualifies column, and any supporting documentation will be shown.

Green check = yes, this qualifies.

Red no symbol = no, this does not qualify.

Double question marks = Unsure

Add an Attribute


On this screen, enter the name and the qualifying rule. For example, the BE laws say that if any one item has bioengineered material, that item is considered bioengineered. In this case, you would select "At least one item."  For "vegan" you want all of the items to be vegan so you would select "All items."

You would delete an Attribute by going to Database > Modify.


You can override the attributes as tracked from the ingredient level by selecting the checkmark or the no symbol. Clicking clear resets the attribute tracking back to the ingredient level.

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