Supplement Facts Other Settings

Genesis R&D Manual

Supplement Facts Other Settings

Other Supplement Facts Settings

If %DV rounds to 0%

The default setting for this is “Show <1%”. Here, you can change it to “Show less than 1%”. This option applies only to the Standard Nutrients when the ingredient must be listed but the amount is small enough to round to 0%.

From the CFR: “Less than 1%” or “<1%” shall be used to declare the “% Daily Value” when the quantitative amount of the dietary ingredient by weight is great enough to require that the dietary ingredient be listed, but the amount is so small that the “% Daily Value” when rounded to the nearest percent is zero.”

Dual Recommendations


  • This option is available only if you have selected Dual Recommendation under Label Style. Select the USDA recommendations for Adult, Infant or Toddler


  • Type in what you want the Recommendation column header to say. Example: % Daily Value for Adults and Children 4 or More Years of Age

Secondary Footnote Symbol

You can choose double asterisks or a cross or override and enter your own symbol.

Put Amount per Serving in Column

Check this box to display the Amount per Serving in a column. If this box is not checked, the amounts per serving for each nutrient will appear immediately to the right of the nutrient.

Put Amount per Serving Heading Over column

Check this box to display header. (Note: this option is only available if you chose to display Amount per Serving in Column.)

Supplement Amount Decimal Precision

Enter here how precise (how many places behind the decimal point) you want the values to read. This applies to both the Standard Nutrients and Other Dietary Ingredients.

Show insignificant Nutrients

If the nutrient is insignificant, it will be displayed on the Label instead of being moved into the “not a significant source of...” foot notes. This applies only to Standard Nutrients.

Amount per Serving Heading Override

Text entered here will appear above the nutrient column.

Format Options settings applicable to Supplement Labels

The following settings are found by going to Edit Label > Format Options

Use unrounded values when calculating %DV

Even if you display the rounded values on the Label, the percent daily value will be calculated from the unrounded value of the nutrient if you select this option.

Hide gram weight

Checking this option will hide the gram weight of the label but will still show user-entered serving size.

Include Recipe Name in Allergen Statement

Example: Chicken Chili contains ...

Include Recipe Name in Additional Allergen Statement

Example: Chicken Chili may also contain ...

No bolding of text in a linear Label

The program will automatically bold nutrient names for the linear label. Choose this option to use normal (un-bolded) type.