View Options

View Options

Depending whether you're working with a Day or Cycle, the View Options section on the Menu Plan ribbon allows you to display or hide the Adjusted Average and Percent Standard (Day) or Day Title, Date and Amount (Cycle).

View Adjusted Average

Select this to show the Adjusted Average on your Day.

View Percent Standard

Check this to show the View Percent Standard on your Day.

View Day Title

Check this if you want to show the title of the Days as they are listed in the Day Pick List. Titles will be "Day 1," "Day 2," etc. unless you named them ("Monday," "Day 1- Week 2," etc., for example.) Day names can be changed in the Day option, under Modify Day.

View Date

Check this if you want to display the date a specific Day was added to the Cycle. The date will appear in the Cycle on the Day's column header. . 


Check this if you want the food amounts (as they appear in the Days) to show in the Cycle.

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