Program Operation
Run DataLink by clicking on the icon from the Database menu in Genesis R&D. If the icon is grayed out, your license does not include this program. Contact ESHA if you believe this is in error.
Ingredient Data from TraceGains
Clicking on the DataLink icon will begin a query for all TraceGains ingredients that have not previously been queried by the DataLink or have had nutrient data points modified since the last DataLink query request. (If no modifications have occurred, then the item will not be included in the list for review.)
*Please Note: Running the first DataLink query will pull ALL ingredients you subscribe to from TraceGains. This list will likely be considerably large. You should be prepared for a somewhat time-consuming reconciliation of items. Once the initial syncing of all TraceGains ingredients to Genesis R&D is complete, DataLink will only display items that have had nutrition data modified since the last DataLink access. Subsequent queries will be much smaller.
DataLink will display a page of about 20 of the total number of modified ingredients on the left-hand side of the screen. Users can page down for more items as they work through the list. (This list is populated by the TraceGains ingredients you subscribe to as per the unique TraceGains key entered during installation.) Ingredients can be sorted by Status, listed alphabetically by Item Name, or listed alphabetically by Supplier by clicking the column headings.
Clicking the 'Load More' button at the bottom of the screen will load another page of about 20 ingredients.
For each TraceGains item in the left pane, you can:
- Link it to an existing Ingredient in the Genesis database
- Create a new Ingredient in the Genesis database
- Skip the item and do nothing with it.
- Unlink it.
Ingredient Status
The status of an item can either be linked, unlinked, or skipped.
Linked items are TraceGains items that have been linked to items in the Genesis R&D database. If you currently have TraceGains items in Genesis, when DataLink is run for the first time, there could be many items to link. Once this initial linking process is performed, then future experiences would be linking data updates from TraceGains. Linked data will overwrite nutrient and gram weight data in the Genesis database, including Nulls. After an update the ingredient data will match that provided by TraceGains.
Unlinked items are TraceGains ingredients that have not been linked to items in the Genesis R&D Database.
Skipped items are TraceGains ingredients that have not been linked to items in the Genesis Database, and are items that you do not plan to link at this time. Skipped items will remain in the queue.
Reviewing Item Data and Accepting Changes
Click on an item to see more information about the item appear on the right. The right hand side allows you to review the data before copying it into Genesis.
Click on a linked item to see the nutritional data that is in TraceGains/Genesis. From here you can unlink the item, skip the item, or update the item. Clicking on one of these options will change the status of the item and will change the icon next to the item on the left hand side. You will also notice that the "update __ items" at the bottom of the screen will change as you change the status.
NOTE: Updates are made permanent when the "Update __ Items" button is pressed and confirmed.
Click on an unlinked item to link it with an ingredient in the Genesis database, create a new item, or skip the item.
To create a new item, click on the Create Item button. The program will create a new item in Genesis and will immediately skip to the next item in the left-hand list. You can see the item in Genesis if you search for it later.
To link the TraceGains ingredient with an ingredient in the Genesis database, edit the name as needed in the "Link to Genesis Food" field. The program will initially populate this field with the TraceGains ingredient name and will show matches found in the Genesis database. The matches found are user entered ingredients only, not ESHA ingredients. If no results are found, and you expect matches, edit the name and try again. When matches are found they will be listed on the screen. Click on the ingredient name to see a comparison of nutrient data between the TraceGains ingredient and the Genesis ingredient. Data that doesn't match will be in red. Click on the icon to the left of the ingredient name to link the ingredient. Creating a link will change the status and will add to the ingredients to be updated.
In Genesis R&D
All TraceGains ingredients that are linked or created new from DataLink will list "TraceGains" in the product code field and the create and modified date fields will be populated with the date that the ingredient data is created or updated. Clicking the TraceGains icon under the Database tab will list any ingredients available for update from TraceGains at that time. Only items created by Create New will have the product code field populated with "TraceGains," as linking will only override nutrient data and gram weight.