Available Ingredient Data Fields
Available Ingredient Data Fields
Jill Hohnstein (Deactivated)
Nate Edwards
Owned by Jill Hohnstein (Deactivated)
TraceGains currently transfers data for these ingredient data fields:
- Ingredient Name
- Ingredient Supplier
- Ingredient gram weight
- Ingredient nutrients:
Nutrient | Unit |
Added Sugar | g |
Ash | g |
Biotin | mcg |
Calcium | mg |
Calories | kcal |
Chloride | mg |
Cholesterol | mg |
Choline | mg |
Chromium | mcg |
Copper | mg |
Dietary Fiber (2016) | g |
Calories from Fat | kcal |
18:1 - Oleic | g |
18:2 - Linoleic | g |
18:3 - Linolenic | g |
20:5 - EPA | g |
22:6 - DHA | g |
Fluoride | mg |
Folate, DFE | mcg DFE |
Folic Acid | mcg |
Insoluble Fiber (2016) | g |
Iodine | mcg |
Iron | mg |
Magnesium | mg |
Manganese | mg |
Water | g |
Molybdenum | mcg |
Mono Fat | g |
Other Carbs | g |
Pantothenic Acid | mg |
Phosphorus | mg |
Poly Fat | g |
Potassium | mg |
Protein | g |
Saturated Fat | g |
Selenium | mcg |
Sodium | mg |
Soluble Fiber (2016) | g |
Sugar Alcohol | g |
Total Sugars | g |
Carbohydrates | g |
Fat | g |
Trans Fatty Acid | g |
Vitamin A - IU | IU |
Vitamin A - RAE | mcg |
Vitamin B1 | mg |
Vitamin B12 | mcg |
Vitamin B2 | mg |
Vitamin B3 - Niacin Equiv | mg |
Vitamin B6 | mg |
Vitamin C | mg |
Vitamin D - mcg | mcg |
Vitamin E - mg | mg |
Vitamin K | mcg |
Zinc | mg |
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