Entering Personal Information
- Type in the Person’s name and explanatory information if necessary. Ex: Jane Doe, Eric - 3 Day Diet, Isabel’s Diet, etc.
- Type in the Person’s age.
- Select Gender from the pull-down menu.Â
Select Activity Level from the pull-down menu:
Light activities without additional exercise. This level includes sitting quietly, riding in a car, walking from the house to the car or bus, household tasks, light yard work. Sedentary activity level = basal energy expenditure + thermic effect of food + sedentary activitiesÂLightly ActiveÂ
Sedentary activities plus 1-1.5 hours per day of additional activity, such as walking 2 mph, playing a musical instrument, leisure canoeing, ballroom dancing, golf (with cart), horseback riding (walking), playing pool. The additional activities reflect an intensity of 1.8-2.9 Mets*.Moderately Active
Sedentary activities plus 1-2 hours per day of additional activity, such as calisthenics (no weight), cycling (leisurely), golf (without cart), swimming (slow), walking 3-4 mph. The additional activities reflect an intensity of 3.0-4.8 Mets*.Very ActiveÂ
Sedentary activities plus 1-2 hours per day of additional activity such as chopping wood, climbing hills, cycling, aerobic dancing, rope skipping, skating, skiing, squash, surfing, swimming, tennis, running 5 mph (12 minute mile)
The additional activities reflect an intensity of 4.9 Mets* and above.
*Mets are a measure of exercise intensity. The suggested activity times and Met ranges are approximate guidelines.- Type in Height.
- Type in Current Weight.
- Select any of the options in the left panel or choose OK to begin entering foods and ingredients into the Daily Intake.