Breaking Changes for 4.0 Release
Breaking Changes for 4.0 Release
- The namespace for the LabelImageService has changed from http://ns.esha.com/2013/genesisapi/label/image to http://ns.esha.com/2013/genesisapi. If a user has generated a client for the LabelImageService, the namespace on the client endpoints will need to be updated.
- NewFoodRequest and UpdateFoodRequest have been changed to take a list of RecipeEditDto's and a list of IngredientsEditDto's.
- Default Analysis for Recipes is now set to 1 Serving instead of 1 AsIs
- LabelDto now list nutrients only if they are a valid nutrient for the label. Will always have all mandatory nutrients and only the selected voluntary nutrients for the given label.
- LabelNutrientDto now has null fields for DailyValues, DisplayValue, RawValue, and RoundedValue if the value is not set.
- LabelDto is now null for Ingredients in GetAnalysis. IngredientStatements and AllergenStatements are now properly found on the Food and in the LabelDto (if the queried food is a Recipe).
- ListGroups will no longer return food ids, users can use SearchGroups to find FoodId's associated with a group.
- All of the Search methods no longer have any Ingredient Statement information. This data can be retrieved from the Get methods.
- NewFood is now POST instead of PUT.
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