API Logging

API Logging

This applies to on-premises installations only. If your API access is hosted by Trustwell, the log file can be made available on request.

The GenesisAPI logs various points of information to a plain text log file, which is stored, by default, in %programdata%\Esha Research\GenesisAPI\GenesisAPI.log.  

The .log file location, as well as the level of logging detail, can be changed by modifying the 'logging.config' file found in the GenesisAPI installation directory.  Log level options that are available are listed below, with the most verbose logging at the top ("Debug"). 

  • "Debug"

  • "Info"

  • "Warn"

  • "Error"

  • "Fatal"

The default level of logging is "Warn", which will also report anything that is "Error" or "Fatal".  "Warn" should capture errors which successfully make their way to the API itself, but the API cannot handle.

We recommend any custom code that is being written to leverage the GenesisAPI have its own logging.  That code will "know" best what calls are made or attempted, when it was made, as well as what resulted. For example, if the API is unavailable (e.g. IIS is shut down), then the API log mentioned above will not log anything - no call ever made it that far.

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