Previewing from the Selection List

Previewing from the Selection List

You can preview Person information whenever Person records are listed. The preview shows the personal data and the nutrient recommendations for the selected Person. You cannot edit information in the Preview mode.

  1. On the Home ribbon, choose Open>Person
  2. Highlight the Person to preview.
  3. Choose the Preview button.
  • Personal shows the name, gender, age, height and weight of the selected Person. 
  • Recommendations shows the nutrient intake recommendations for that Person.
  • Client shows address and contact information.
  • Medical lists the physician, medications, allergies and diet restrictions for the client.
  • Weight/Gain Loss displays the current desired weight for the Person.
  • Groups shows the Groups and sub-groups associated with the Person
  • Notes shows notes for the Person.


    • Click the Print button and proceed as you would with any print job. Note: Printing options such as layout, paper size, etc. depend on your printer and are not dictated by The Food Processor. See your printer’s documentation for more information.


    • Click the Print List button.


    1. With the Select Person screen open, click the Export List button. This will open a Save As dialog.
    2. In the Save As dialog, type in a name for the list and choose a destination for the file. The list will be exported as a tab-delimited text file and can be easily copied into a word processing document or spreadsheet.

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