Food Description Abbreviations

Food Description Abbreviations

The following table describes abbreviations used in the database for Food Descriptions:

added - add
added water - add wtr
all natural - all nat
artificial - art
aspartame - asp
assorted - asstd
Australia - Austl
average - avg
baked - bkd
baking - bkg
barbecue - bbq
boiled - ckd
boneless - w/o bone
bottle - btl
bottled - btld
braised - brsd
breaded - brd
broiled - brld
calcium - calc
California - Calif
calorie - cal
caffeine - caff
canned - cnd
carton - ctn
charbroiled - char
chocolate - choc
chopped - chpd
cholesterol - cholest
commercial - cmrcl
compartment - comp
concentrate - conc
condensed - cond
container - cntr
cooked - ckd
cottonseed - cttnsd
covered - cvrd
cranberry - cran
decaffeinated - decaf
degerminated - degermed
dehydrated - dehyd
drained - drnd
each - ea
enriched - enrich
flavor - flvr
flavored - flvrd
flavors - flvrs
Food Chemical Codex - FCC
fortified - fort
from - f/
frozen - fzn
high - hi
hydrogenated - hydrog
imitation - imit
individual - indv
individually quick frozen - iqf
instant - inst
international - intl
junior - jr
large - lrg
medium - med
microwaved - microwv
moisture - moist
New Zealand - NZ

old fashioned - old fash
ounce - oz
package - pkgpacket - pkt
partially - part
pasteurized - past
piece - pce
pineapple - pine
powder - pwd
precooked - preckd
prepared - prep
processed - proc
protein - prot
ready to bake - rtb
ready to cook - rtc
ready to drink - rtd
ready to eat - rte
ready to feed - rtf
ready to heat - rth
ready to serve - rts
ready to use - rtu
recipe - rec
reduced - rducd
refrigerated - refrig
regular - reg
rehydrated - rehyd
roasted - rstd
saccharin - sacc
serving - svg
shredded - shred
skim milk - skm mlk
skinless - w/o skin
slice - slc
small - sml
smoked - smkd
sodium - sod
steamed - stmd
stewed - stwd
strained - strnd
stuffed - stuff
sugar - sug
sweetened - swtnd
sweetener - swtnr
tablespoon - tbsp
teaspoon - tsp
textured vegetable protein - TVP
toasted - tstd
uncooked - unckd
unenriched - unenrich
unflavored - unflvrd
unfortified - unfort
United States Pharmacopoeia - USP
unpeeled - w/skin
unprepared - unprep
unsweetened - unswtnd
USDA Commodity - USDA
vacuum - vac
vanilla - van
vegetable - veg
vegetarian - vgtrn
vitamin - vit
whole - whl
with - w/
without - w/o

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