Working with Users
Working with Users
A SQL User is a person allowed to log onto an SQL Server database. In order to use any of the ESHA Research programs, each user must have a login for the database.
In ESHA Security, users can use the Security Manager to create new SQL users or authorize existing NT users or groups to access the database.
The users created by Security Manager are standard SQL Users, no different than any other ones in SQL Server. In fact, it is not required that administrators use the Security Manager to create users; any of the standard SQL Server tools can be used as well.
The Users Page
This page consists of two panes:
- The User pane lists all current users in the database.
- The Roles pane lists all current roles in the database.
Create Users
- Select the User tab.
- Click New.
- Select either NT Authentication or SQL Server Login.
- NT Authentication – Use for an NT network (NT 4, Windows 2000 server, or Windows 2003 server). Users will be verified by already-existing NT logins. Each account must be individually granted access. However, an NT authentication can be granted to a NT group, i.e. “ADMINISTRATORS”. Every person in the NT network who is a member of that group can now log on to the database.
- When using NT authentication, you do not need to provide a password for the new User. The User will use the same password he uses to log onto the NT network.
- SQL Server Login – An SQL login is an account specific to the SQL database; it is created on the database and allows anyone that knows that name and password to log on to SQL Server. Administrators will create login names and passwords.
- Enter Name and Password information.
- Click OK. The User will appear in the Current Users pane.
Delete Users
- Highlight the User.
- Select Delete. A warning dialog will ask if you’re sure you want to delete this User.
- Click OK to delete.
Important note: You cannot rename an existing user. You must delete the user, and create a new one with the desired name.
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