Security Access Levels

Security Access Levels

When ESHA Security is installed and activated, an access rating will be determined every time a user attempts to view, open or delete an item.

Access is one of the following levels:

0 – No access.

User is not allowed to view, open or modify the item.

1 – Read-Only access.

The user can open the item, but is not allowed to save changes. The user can, however, save a copy of the item under a new name.

2 – Read-Write access.

The user can open and modify the item freely. The user will always have this level of access to any item personally created.  Access is granted at a specific level to a role for a specific group. For example:

Example Access

Students – Read-Only – Lesson Plan One Group.

This setting would allow any member of the Students role to view but not modify any of the items in the Lesson Plan One Group. A role can only have one access level assigned for any given group. 

A user could belong to several roles, and a food item could belong to many groups; accordingly, a user could end up with many access ratings. In this case, the highest access rating is applied.

If a user does not have any access rating to a given food item, then they will receive the default ESHA Security access setting for the database. This can be any of the above settings.

There is one important exception to all access ratings. If the user created the food item, then he always has read-write access to that item. The owner of an item can always modify his own item.

Steps to Determine Access to an Item

  1. Is the user the owner of the item? If so, then the access is Read-Write. If not, see to step 2.
  2. Does the user belong to one or more roles that have access to one or more of the groups that the food item belongs to? If so, then access is the maximum access granted. If not, see to step 3.
  3. The user receives the default database access level for this item.

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