Note: This manual is for Genesis R&D Supplements 2.0 and later. The manual for versions 1.6 and earlier can be found here: Genesis R&D Supplements Documentation
Ingredient Options for a Dietary Ingredient on Tabular Label, Using Green Tea as an Option
You have options for reporting Dietary Ingredients not governed by the NLEA on your Supplements label. Unlike the nutrients, these ingredients do will not have a %DV and are not beholden to rounding rules.
Clicking on Green Tea in the label display will show a different set of options that are specific to that ingredient.
You can drag and drop Green Tea to move it up or down the label.
Checking the box next to Green Tea will remove the ingredient from the label and place it in the Components section of the ribbon.
The nutrient amount from the Formula screen is listed. This amount can be overwritten here.
The unit entered from the Formula screen is displayed here. The unit can be changed for ingredients or components that are not governed by the labeling regulations. In this example, Green Tea doesn’t have a recommended Daily Intake, so the unit can be changed.
Under Components, checking the box next to EGCG will add that component to the label. The Component names can be edited as desired. In the example above, EGCE was added.
The information displayed can be shown in three ways.
Show Inline: This displays the components on the same line as the ingredient name.
Show On Separate Line: This displays the components on one line, underneath the ingredient name.
Show With Amounts: This displays each component on its own line, with amounts listed.
Right-clicking on a component and selecting Promote will cause it to be listed as its own line item, left-justified on the label, instead of listing it underneath the ingredient name. Use Move Up and Move Down to order the promoted components.
Under Herbal Properties, checking the box next to the Latin name (Camellia sinensis), source (leaf), and/or concentration (1:5) will add that information to the label.
NOTE: The scientific name of the plant is optional however the source of the plant is required to be shown next to the herbal ingredient on the label.
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