Dietary Nutrients

Note: This manual is for Genesis R&D Supplements 2.0 and later. The manual for versions 1.6 and earlier can be found here: Genesis R&D Supplements Documentation

Dietary Nutrients

Listed here are the Dietary Nutrients shown on the label. They appear above the thick line and usually have a %DV.

Shown by default are the NLEA nutrients as calculated from the ingredients in your Formula. You can also choose to show other Dietary Nutrients here. Selected nutrients will be added to the label and placed in the required nutrient order. Click on the nutrient in the label display to set the amount, select formatting options, or delete it from the label.

NOTE: As a reminder, nutrients that can round to zero should not be displayed on the supplement facts panel. When choosing dietary nutrients to display, only select those items that contain reportable amounts.

Although you adjust any nutrient quantity directly from the label, the best practice would be to adjust your formula to create the desired label results.

Show Additional Dietary Nutrients

  1. Go to the Label Editor tab.

  2. Expand (click the arrow) Dietary Nutrients.

  3. Click Add or remove a Dietary Nutrient from the Label.

  4. Use the drop-down menu to select which nutrients you want to appear.

Hide Dietary Nutrients

  1. Go to the Label Editor tab.

  2. Expand (click the arrow) Dietary Nutrients.

  3. Click Add or remove a Dietary Nutrient from the Label.

  4. Uncheck the Dietary Nutrient.

Add the Dietary Nutrient back to the Label

  1. Go to the Label Editor tab.

  2. Expand (click the arrow) Dietary Nutrients.

  3. Click Add or remove a Dietary Nutrient from the Label. A drop-down menu will appear.

  4. Choose the Dietary Nutrient.

Even if you remove the Dietary Nutrient as its own label element, you can still choose to show the Dietary Nutrient as a source for the Ingredient on the Label.

Show Dietary Nutrient as Source

  1. Highlight the Ingredient on the label. The nutrient editor will open.

  2. Click the X beside the nutrient you wish to appear on the label.

  3. Choose one:

  • Show Inline to display in parenthesis beside the Ingredient.

  • Show On Separate Line to display indented below the Ingredient.

  • Show With Amounts to display indented below the Ingredient with its gram amount.

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@2022 ESHA Research