Ingredient Tab

Note: This manual is for Genesis R&D Supplements 2.0 and later. The manual for versions 1.6 and earlier can be found here: Genesis R&D Supplements Documentation

Ingredient Tab


General Properties

User Code

Enter any combination of letters and/or numbers. User Codes must be unique throughout the database. The user code can be used as a filter in the ingredient search.


If the ingredient is from the downloadable ESHA excel database file, an ESHA code number will be listed underneath the User Code field. If you have questions regarding an ESHA ingredient, this code can help our support department pinpoint the food item.

Alternate Names

Enter a name or names that would be useful when searching for the item later. For example, alternate spellings of the words or terms.


Choose or create a group for the ingredient. Groups are global, meaning they are available to all ingredients and formulas. Groups are included in the search filter options on the Open screen. Groups can also be created from the Options menu.


This field is for entering conversions from volume or weight to household or common measures (tablet, can, capsule, etc) that are specific to the ingredient. This information allows additional measures to be used when adding the ingredient to a formula.

Example: If the conversion, 1 cup = 240 grams, is entered, the ingredient can be added to the formula as 1/4 tsp or any volume measure. If no conversion is entered, ingredients are added to formulas as a weight measure only (a weight measure is always available by default).

NOTE: To delete a conversion previously entered in an ingredient or formula click on the conversion and enter 0 in both fields. Then click enter. This will delete any previously populated conversions.

Ingredient Properties


Choose or create an ingredient supplier. Created suppliers will be available in the pull-down menu for all Ingredients.

Shelf Life

Enter the ingredient shelf life in years and days.


Enter the ingredient cost per amount and unit.

Herbal Properties

Source (used for herbal ingredients)

Choose or create the appropriate part of the herbal plant. The information should be displayed on the Supplement Facts panel.

Concentration (used for herbal ingredients)

Enter a concentration, such as 1:2. The information may be displayed on the Supplement Facts panel.

Scientific Name (used for herbal ingredients)

Enter a scientific name. The herbal Latin name may be displayed on the Supplement Facts panel.

Organic Properties

Organic Percentage

If the ingredient is organic, enter the appropriate percentage (1-100%). If the ingredient is not organic, enter 0. Some ingredients, such as water and salt, are exempt from the organic calculation, which is designated by N.A. (the default assignment). The program will use the value entered here to calculate total organic percentage of the formulas this ingredient is used in. 

To reset this field to N.A., delete any numbers that have been entered and press Return.

User-added Fields

Choose or create user-added fields, and enter the appropriate data. User-added fields can be local or global and can be added to ingredients, formulas, or both. A user-added field added on the Ingredient screen will be local and applied to Ingredients only, by default. This can be changed in the Options menu. User-added fields appear in the slide-out section on the right and on the Ingredient Report. User Added fields can also be created from the Options menu.

Local User-Added Fields

These appear in the pull-down menu and can be available for selection for all ingredients, formulas or both.

Global User-Added Fields

 These are pre-selected user-added fields, and can appear in bold for all ingredients, formulas or both. The global option is set in the Options menu.


Attach any type of file to this Ingredient. You can browse, drag and drop, or copy/paste. 

You can also export all of the files attached to this page as a zip file and delete an attachment by highlighting it and clicking the Delete link.


This is a free-form text field that can be used to add notes about the Ingredient. Ingredient Notes will appear in the right side slide-out section of the Ingredient screen and will also appear in the Ingredient Report.


Click this option to archive the ingredient. This moves the Ingredient into the Archive group and hides it from regular searching.

NOTE: Ingredients are not deleted from the program but rather archived. Once an item is archived, it is placed in the Archive Group. It will no longer be visible in the ingredient search however the record will remain in the program. You can view all Archived Foods from the Open Screen by clicking on the Archive Group. If you wish to use or view the ingredient again, click on the Archive Group and select the ingredient to open it. Once open, click on the archive button again to un-archive the ingredient. This will put the ingredient back into the regular search function.

When archiving an ingredient is may be best practice to rename the item with the word “Archived” in front of the ingredient name. You may also wish to include the date the items were archived. This will help in keeping track of ingredient changes from suppliers.

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@2022 ESHA Research