Note: This manual is for Genesis R&D Supplements 2.0 and later. The manual for versions 1.6 and earlier can be found here: Genesis R&D Supplements Documentation
Additional Ingredient Options: Premix
Create a new premix
A premix is a blend of micronutrients that is a foundational ingredient for creating various dietary supplements. These pre-determined mixtures are designed to streamline the supplement manufacturing process, ensuring precise and consistent dosages of key nutrients.
A premix specification will often provide the nutrient contribution without the exact quantity of the ingredient supplying that nutrient. To effectively build the premix in Genesis Supplements, the user must associate the source ingredient with the nutrient it contributes to the premix.
To do so:
On the menu bar, go to Create New > Premix
The new premix screen will open on this view:
Click on New Premix XX to enter the premix name.
Enter the amount and unit for the premix from the premix specification sheet.
Click in the search bar to begin searching for and entering components.
NOTE: The red dot next to the premix name indicates that the information entered has not been saved. After the premix is saved (by clicking the save icon below the premix name), the red dot will disappear until further edits are made.
Add a new premix component
Start typing the name of the component you wish to add. A list of matching search results will appear. If a component is not listed in the search results, type the entire name as you wish to have it displayed, and then click on the name to select it. This will add the component to the component list so it will be available for future searches.
Click on the component to add it to the premix.
Enter Quantity, Unit, Active or Inactive, and Source. When you search for and add a Chemical Impurity, the program will automatically add it under the correct header with the PPM (parts per million) unit of measure. When you search for and add a Calorie value the program will automatically enter it into the Overrides heading.
To navigate to the next field, click Tab or Enter after filling out each field.
Click Tab or Enter to add the Component to the premix.
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@2022 ESHA Research