The Ingredient Workspace

Note: This manual is for Genesis R&D Supplements 2.0 and later. The manual for versions 1.6 and earlier can be found here: Genesis R&D Supplements Documentation

The Ingredient Workspace

Ingredient View


  • Click this icon at any time to save your work.


  • Use these icons to redo or undo previous steps.


You have the option of exporting this Ingredient only, as an ESHA .exlx record.

  1. Click Export.

  2. Browse to where you want to save this record.

  3. Click OK.

  4. You can now import this record into another installation of Genesis R&D Supplements.

Save As

  • Use this to Save the Ingredient record with another name.


Select On (control will turn blue) to archive this ingredient. This moves the Ingredient into the Archive group and hides it from regular searching.

NOTE: Ingredients are not deleted from the program when you perform this action. Once an item is archived, it is placed in the Archive Group. It will no longer be visible in the ingredient search, however, the record will remain in the program's database. You can view all archived foods from the Search Screen by clicking on the Archive Group. If you wish to use or view the ingredient again, click on the Archive Group and select the ingredient to open it. Once open, select Off for the archive control. This will put the ingredient back into the regular search function.

When archiving an ingredient, it may be best practice to rename the item with the word “Archived” in front of the ingredient name. You may also wish to include the date the items were archived. This will help in keeping track of ingredient changes from suppliers.

Component View

Decimal Precision

  • The number here indicates the number of places that will appear behind the decimal point.

Edit component

  • Right-click on the component you would like to edit/delete.

Viewing Components

  • The arrows next to the section headers (Active Components, Inactive Components, etc.) will expand and collapse those sections.

  • Click on the Ingredient name to modify its name or unit of measure.


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@2022 ESHA Research