

Why do the lines on my Label vary in width?

Printed images render in points, which doesn’t always correspond 1:1 with onscreen pixels. Sometimes 1/2 points are involved. Since there are no 1/2 pixels, the program will either round up or down. So a line that will be printed at 1 1/2 points wide, will have to straddle a pixel and will appear onscreen as 1 or 2 pixels, depending on where the line sits on the screen’s display. So you will sometimes see what seem to be differing line widths. When you download and open your svg label, however, the lines will be of uniform width.

Why is there a yellow triangle warning sign next to the Nutrients Quick Link on my Recipe page?

This indicates that one or more of the mandatory U.S. label nutrients have not been populated. If you use this ingredient in a Recipe that will eventually be used for a Label, your Label will not be compliant.

You will, however, still be able to approve the Recipe without these nutrients.

Why can’t use this Recipe for my Label?

You can only add approved Recipes to a Label. Check to see if the Recipe has been approved. Approved Recipes will have a version number displayed after the name, like so: Sample Fruit Salad V1.

How does approval work exactly?

The approval process keeps you from inadvertently changing a finished label by only allowing you to use final state - approved - Recipes on that label.

An Ingredient can be approved in any state.

A Recipe can only be approved if all of its Ingredients are also approved.

Only approved Recipes can be used for labels.

After you approve a Recipe or Ingredient, you will not be able to make changes to that version. However, if you make any changes to that approved Recipe, Genesis Foods will automatically clone and open an editable draft version of that Recipe or Ingredient. It will remain an editable draft until it is also approved.

Why does my label look weird when I open it in Illustrator?

Genesis Foods has two options for downloading an svg of your label: Download SVG and Download for Illustrator. Because Adobe Illustrator thwarts the industry standard of 96 dpi, it assumes your svg was drawn at 72 dpi. It wasn’t. Genesis Foods, however, will correctly convert the label during download IF you select “Download for Illustrator.” If you choose “Download SVG” and open that in Illustrator, it will be rendered incorrectly. 

I used the old Genesis R&D, which has User Code. Where is the User Code in this Genesis Foods?

Since customers were utilizing “User Code” for many other reasons, Genesis no longer has the “User Code” field. Instead, Genesis Foods gives you the option to create a custom field, which you can customize with your own unique, user-friendly name.

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