Home Page
REX opens on the Home page. From here, you can perform a search or access your popular searches, recently viewed documents and bookmarks. Select from the tabs at the top to visit those pages.
Enter search terms here. You can use words or partial words. Click Search or press Enter on your keyboard to start the Search. This will also take you to the Search page.
Left-side Navigation Panel
These are unique for each individual user and not affected by other users of the program.
Recent Searches
This shows your top five most frequently used search terms. Access the search again by clicking the term. This will take you to the Search page.
Recently Viewed
This shows your five most recently viewed pdf documents, ordered by popularity (the document viewed most often will appear at the top of the list). Access the document again by clicking on the name.
Bookmark folders
You can create up to 10 folders, which can hold an unlimited number of bookmarked citations. This section will expand to display all bookmarks you create. Click on the ? (question mark icon) for user manual help.
Additional Navigation
Top Tabs
These let you access the Home Screen, Search Screen and online Help
Bottom links
These let you access the Home Screen, Search Screen, online Help and Terms of Service
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