Genesis Foods GraphQL API Playground

Genesis Foods GraphQL API Playground

Genesis Foods GraphQL API Playground Repository

GitHub - esha/genesis-foods-api-examples: Genesis Foods GraphQL API Playground


Configuration Example (config.ini)

[api] endpoint = [https://api-preview.trustwell.com/genesis | https://api.trustwell.com/genesis] api_key = [YOUR_API_KEY] [files] output_file = graphql_responses.json input_file = input_data.json

Import / Export

Bulk Export

Exports are limited to 10,000 entries at any one time. To further refine an export set the searchText value in the input variables.

import requests import configparser import json import os # Read the configuration file config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('config.ini') # Retrieve the API settings endpoint = config.get('api', 'endpoint') api_key = config.get('api', 'api_key') # Retrieve the output file path from the configuration output_file = config.get('files', 'output_file') # Ensure the file is written to the local directory file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_file) # Delete the file if it already exists if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) print(f"Existing file '{file_path}' has been deleted.") # Define the headers headers = { "X-API-KEY": api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json" } # Define the GraphQL query query = """ query($input: FoodSearchInput!){ foods{ search(input: $input) { foodSearchResults{ id name modified created versionName eshaCode foodType product supplier versionHistoryId } totalCount pageInfo{ cursor hasNextPage startCursor endCursor } } } } """ def run_query(graphql_query, variables): """Run a GraphQL query against the Genesis API with variables.""" response = requests.post( endpoint, json={'query': graphql_query, 'variables': variables}, headers=headers ) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: print(f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}") print(response.text) return None def export(graphql_query, food_type): first_entry = True """Iterate through each character in the corpus and update the searchText.""" with open(file_path, "a") as file: file.write("[\n") # Write the opening bracket for the JSON array variables = { "input": { "searchText": '*', "foodTypes": [food_type], "itemSourceFilter": "Customer", "versionFilter": "All", "first": 10000, "after": 0 } } print(f"Running query...") result = run_query(graphql_query, variables) if result: total_count = result.get("data", {}).get("foods", {}).get("search", {}).get("totalCount", 0) print(f"Found {total_count} results") if total_count > 0: if not first_entry: file.write(",\n") # Add a comma before each entry - except the first json.dump(result, file, indent=4) # Append the JSON response to the file first_entry = False else: print(f"No results found. Skipping write.") file.write("\n]") # Write the closing bracket for the JSON array if __name__ == "__main__": export(query, 'Ingredient') # Ingredient or Recipe print(f"Complete. Exported results to {file_path}")

Bulk Import

import requests import configparser import json import os import uuid # Read the configuration file config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('config.ini') # Retrieve the API settings endpoint = config.get('api', 'endpoint') api_key = config.get('api', 'api_key') # Define the headers with API Key headers = { "X-API-KEY": api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json" } # Define the GraphQL mutation for creating an ingredient mutation = """ mutation($input : CreateFoodInput!){ foods{ create(input:$input) { food{ id name definingAmount{ quantity{ value } unit{ id name } } conversions{ from{ quantity{ value } unit{ id name } } to{ quantity{ value } unit{ id name } } } } } } } """ def run_mutation(food, food_type): """Run the GraphQL mutation to create an ingredient.""" input_data = { "input": { "name": food.get("name") + ' ' + food_type + ':' + str(uuid.uuid4()), "foodType": food_type, # "definingAmount": food.get("definingAmount"), # "conversions": food.get("conversions") } } response = requests.post(endpoint, json={"query": mutation, "variables": input_data}, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json() else: print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}") return None def bulk_import(food_type, file_path): """Load JSON data from a file and run the mutation for each ingredient.""" with open(file_path, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) for food in data: print(f"Importing {food_type}: {food.get('name')}") result = run_mutation(food, food_type) if result and "errors" in result: print(f"Error while creating {food_type}: {food.get('name')}") print(result["errors"]) elif result: created_food = result.get("data", {}).get("foods", {}).get("create", {}).get("food", {}) print(f"Created {food_type}: {created_food.get('name')} (ID: {created_food.get('id')})") def main(): # Load the input file path from config input_file_path = config.get('files', 'input_file') # Ensure the file exists if not os.path.exists(input_file_path): print(f"Input file '{input_file_path}' does not exist.") return # Import ingredients bulk_import('Ingredient', input_file_path) # Import recipies bulk_import('Recipe', input_file_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Bulk Import - Example Data

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