Genesis API REST Reference
Genesis API REST Reference
GetAnalysisByFoodId - Resource — Available in Version 1.3.x - Retrieves an analysis for the entire food identified by the specified FoodId value if it is published.
GetAnalysisByUserCode - Resource — Retrieves an analysis for the entire food identified by the specified userCode value if it is published.
GetBarcodeImageByFoodId - Resource — Retrieves the barcode for the food identified by the specified FoodId value if it is published as a PNG encoded bitmap.
GetBarcodeImageByUserCode - Resource — Retrieves the barcode for the food identified by the specified userCode value if it is published as a PNG encoded bitmap.
GetFoodByUserCode - Resource — Retrieves the metadata for a food identified by the specified userCode value if it is published.
GetGroups - Resource — Retrieves the groups associated with the given ids
GetLabelImageByFoodId - Resource — Retrieves the label for the food identified by the specified FoodId value if it is published as a PNG encoded bitmap.
GetLabelImageByUserCode - Resource — Retrieves the label for the food identified by the specified userCode value if it is published as a PNG encoded bitmap.
ListAllergens - Resource — Provides a list of allergens available which are identified by an authority and may be present in foods.
ListAuthorities - Resource — Provides a list of authorities available which regulate food nutrient data.
ListGroups - Resource — Provides a list of Groups that Published Foods are members of
ListNutrients - Resource — Provides a list of nutrients available which could be present in some quantity in foods.
ListPublishedFoods - Resource — Provides a list of foods which are contained within groups which are marked as "Published" groups.
ListPublishedFoodUserCodes - Resource — Provides a list of food user codes which are contained within groups which are marked as "Published" groups.
ListUnits - Resource — Provides a list of units available in which nutrients can be measured.
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