Heavy Metals Options

Note: This manual is for Genesis R&D Supplements 2.0 and later. The manual for versions 1.6 and earlier can be found here: Genesis R&D Supplements Documentation

Heavy Metals Options

Options > Heavy Metals

This is where you can see a list of heavy metals that the program currently allows users to track. You can modify existing heavy metals or add your own.

Modify a Heavy Metal

  1. Right-click on the item you want to modify and select Edit. You can edit the name, abbreviation and threshold.

  2. Click OK

Delete a Heavy Metal

  • Right-click on the item you want to delete and select Delete

  • Click OK. Note: if you accidentally delete a heavy metal you did not mean to delete, click Cancel.

Add your own Heavy Metal

  1. Right-click and select Add.

  2. Type in the name, abbreviation (optional) and threshold. When a Formula contains an amount of the heavy metal that exceeds the threshold entered here, its total will appear in red on your Formula screen.

  3. Click OK.

  4. The unit column cannot be changed. The unit for Heavy Metals is Micrograms.  

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@2022 ESHA Research