Spreadsheet and Spreadsheet (Label Rounded)

Genesis R&D Manual

Spreadsheet and Spreadsheet (Label Rounded)

The Spreadsheet shows all the values for all the displayed nutrients and indicates any missing values. Nutrients are displayed horizontally, with totals at the bottom of the list.

Folders can be expanded or collapsed to display amounts for each Recipe (if you have a Recipe within your Recipe).

You can specify the number of columns to be printed on each page or fit the columns to the text for maximum number of printed columns.

Note: this is a great report to print and archive as a paper trail, or for any future comparisons.  The detail within the Spreadsheet can serve to explain how each nutrient’s total is derived.

Note: use this report to identify missing values for things such as moisture, and dietary fiber, added sugar, potassium and vitamin D when using the new nutrition facts panel in Genesis. 

With the Spreadsheet Report (Label Rounded) if a nutrient is a Label nutrient, it will be rounded per Label regulations, and the nutrient data will be reflected as if it were Label data.

By default, the Spreadsheet (Label Rounded) report will only display nutrients available on the US Nutrition Facts panel.  You can enable the display of nutrients as defined in Nutrients to View, as well as enable Totals. 

A special note about asterisks in the Spreadsheet Report

If your Recipe contains a sub-Recipe with a yield adjustment, you will see the correct total nutrient amounts for the sub-Recipe as calculated per the yield adjustment. However, in previous versions of the program, if you would expand the sub-Recipe within the Spreadsheet report, the ingredient amounts would reflect the nutrient content before the yield adjustment was applied and the total would appear to be incorrect. This was confusing to users, so we have removed the ingredient amounts and replaced them with asterisks.   

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