Genesis R&D Manual
Linear Full and Simplified
If the available labeling space is 40 square inches or less, and the shape cannot accommodate the horizontal, "side-by-side" or tabular formats, you may use the linear format. The formatting differs quite greatly from the other labels.
This simplified format may be used if eight or more of the following nutrients are present in "insignificant amounts": calories, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, total sugars, added sugars, protein, vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium (2016).
Small Package Exemption and Volunteer Linear Label
If the total labeling space is less than 12 square inches, and you are not making a claim, you may be able to omit the use of nutrition facts altogether, provided that you give consumers another method for obtaining nutrition information. However, you may choose to voluntarily display a Linear Nutrition facts with all 6-pt. type.