EU Nutrition Fact Panels

Genesis R&D Manual

EU Nutrition Fact Panels

European Union regulations require that you declare energy, protein, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrates, sugars, and salt. Voluntary nutrients may be shown if they are present in significant amounts. The regulations allow several variations in the labeling format. 

View an EU Label

  1. Click Edit Label

  2. Select General

  3. For Country/Authority, select European Union.

When you make a Country/Authority selection, different format options will be available. 

General Options (Edit Label):

Number formatting (locale): Select which Country from which to apply number formatting. Different countries within the EU use different numbering formats, a comma vs. a period, for one. 

EU Specific Format Options:

Use per 100 g or per 100 ml: Choose which default value you would like in the nutrition column. In most cases, select g for solid foods and ml for liquids.

Show “Of which…” where allowed: Certain “sub” nutrients are prefaced with “Of which” below other nutrients. For examples, you can choose to have Sugars appear under Carbohydrates with our without the preceding "Of which..."

Position “Of which…” before each nutrient: Used in conjunction with the previous setting, when enabled, the “Of which” wording precedes the nutrient instead of appearing on the row above.

 This example shows "Of which..." before each nutrient:

Show Per 100 (1st) Column RI Values: Show the Percent Reference Intake (RI) values along with the quantitative value of the nutrients.

Show Per Portion (2nd) Column: Create a new column and show the values per portion in addition to the first column that shows the required Per 100g values.

Show Per Portion (2nd) Column RI ValuesShow the Percent Reference Intake (RI) values along with the quantitative value of the nutrients Per the 100g values.

Align Values in Columns: When enabled, nutrition values are centered in columns, otherwise they are left-justified.

 This example shows both columns with RI values, and the values aligned:

Show Ingredient Statement with Allergens: When enabled, the label will display the Ingredient statement and show the Allergens in parentheses next to their containing ingredients. If it's not enabled, the Ingredient and Allergen statements must be shown separately on the package. 

Show “Contains negligible amount of …” statement: When enabled, certain qualifying nutrients are dropped to the footnote as negligible.          

This product is a beverage

This product contains a single serving    

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