Patch and Release Notes (3.x)

Version 3.2.x

FREY-273 GetFood returns FoodItems
FREY-272 EditService better handles Allergens**
**Note: A potentially breaking change; prior creation of a record marked all Allergens as true, this function will now only flag Allergens as true if included in the call.
FREY-270 ListGroups shows duplicates of FoodId
FREY-255 Allow Advanced Labels to be Queried via the LabelImageService
FREY-253 Add AllergenId's to the AllergenStatementDto
FREY-250 Refactor public client library (Freyr) to use an explicit coding style via .editorconfig
FREY-247 SearchByModifiedDateRange no longer fails when using StartIndex and PageSize
FREY-241 Fixed SearchByName and Search PublicationState field
FREY-228 Add Food Menu to the API
FREY-226 Add a parameter for ListFoods and Search methods that only returns user-added ingredients from the database
FREY-223 Add the ability to set or update serving size on a recipe
FREY-221 Add Cost Field in API

Version 3.1.x

FREY-213 GetAnalysis returns error if Recipe contains "NO DATA" items
FREY-191 Add List of New Foods to the NewFoodResponse with Id's filled in for the newly created foods
FREY-184 Allow Installation to use Online Serial Key
FREY-163 Create client libraries
FREY-162 Allow searching for ESHA ingredients and retrieve the analysis
FREY-68 Soap calls to ListPublishedFoods are timing out
FREY-66 REST LabelImageService returns a 404 http status when resource requested is not found
FREY-54 Protect potentially sensitive information in installer log