Group Search

Group Search

User-added Ingredients and Recipes can all be associated to a group for simplifying searches and organizing files. Ingredients in the ESHA database are already associated with one or more groups.

An important note on the Food Characteristics Group: Food Characteristics can assist with menu planning by allowing another means to sort database foods. The foods included or not included in a characteristic are general suggestions and should not be used for specific allergy or food sensitivity recommendations.

  1. Click the More button
  2. Click Select
  3. In the Groups dialog box, select the check box next to the group (or groups) for searching.
  4. Click either Include ALL Groups (to search for an item that belongs to all of the Groups specified) or Include ANY Group (to search for an items that belong to at least ONE Group specified).
  5. Click Search.

The program will then search for items only in the specified food group(s). If you press the ESC key during the search, it will stop and any records found up to that point will be displayed.