Selection Criteria

You have the option of exporting all records, exporting records by key number or exporting records per multiple criteria. This section acts as a search. The options listed help you refine your export list.

Exporting All Records

  1. Choose Select all Records
  2. Click Next

Exporting by Key File

A Key File is a user-created text document of a set of specific (Recipe or Ingredient) records wherein each line is a unique item. For example, a file may consist of all Recipes for chili.

Note: The first line needs to say the type of information that is in the key file, which can be:

  • User Code; or
  • Name; or
  • Primary Key

Example: If you are exporting by user code, open the text document containing the list of user codes and type user code at the top.

To export by Key File

  1. Choose Select by Key File
  2. Click Browse.
  3. Browse to find the desired text (.txt) file
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Next.

Exporting by Multiple Criteria

You can choose to select records by Name, Creation Date, Modify Date and/or Group. When you Select by Multiple Criteria, you must check the box next to the criterion you wish to use.


  • Type in the name for the items to export. Ex: chick will find and export all items with chick in the name

Creation Date

  • Choose a Creation Date range.

Modified Date

  • Choose a Modified Date range.


  1. Click Select
  2. Check the box next to the group (or groups) you wish to export from.

Include Empty Rows

This option applies to any field selected for export that may be empty (depending on whether the user entered values in these areas), including:

  • User code
  • Cost amount
  • Cost quantity
  • Cost measure
  • Notes
  • Ingredient statement

If you deselect “Include Empty Rows” any records with empty fields (listed above) will NOT be included in the export.

Include Only User-Added Records

Check this to export only records you added and not those included with the program. 

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