Ribbon Functions

Ribbon Functions


Attach DatabaseUsed to attach mdf and ldf files to the specified instance

Detach DatabaseUsed to detach mdf and ldf files from the specified instance

Database Name & VersionTypically gendata for Genesis and Eshadata for Food Processor followed by the version number.

Run SQL ScriptRuns an individual SQL Script (Can be used to update database or preform special function.)

Update DatabaseUsed to Update Database to a specific Target Structure Version

Backup DatabaseSaves a backup of entire database in .bak format.

Restore DatabaseUsed to restore a backup (.bak file) of a database.

Shrink Database FilesUsed to Shrink the Database, useful if use of program has slowed down.

Manage UsersUsed to grant and change user permissions to the database.

List Active UsersQueries database to see users currently logged in. Useful if license error is received.

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