Label Claim
The amount entered will appear on the Formula screen in the Label Claim field, listed in the unit selected by the user. Components will also be listed in the ingredient unit, except label nutrient components will be listed in the unit required for the Supplement Label. Adjust ingredient and component amounts in the Label Claim field, as needed. Keep in mind that components are used differently, depending on the type of ingredient.
Percent Overage
Enter the percent overage. Ingredient potency degrades over time. The overage percentage can allow the desired potency to maintain accuracy vis a vis the shelf life of the product.
Moisture Loss Percent
This field lists the moisture loss that was entered on the Ingredient screen.
Amount Per Serving
This field lists the weight of one serving of the formula. The overage and moisture loss are considered in this calculation.
Unit Weight
This column on your Formula screen shows the weight of a single unit (scoop, tablet, capsule, etc.) regardless of what the serving size (1 scoop, 3 tablets, 2 capsules, etc.) is.
Percent Formula
This field lists the percent that each ingredient contributes to the whole formula.
Formula Cost
This field lists the cost of the ingredient in the formula per designated unit (selected from the ribbon). The cost is calculated from the ingredient cost that was entered on the Ingredient screen and the percent ingredient in the formula.
Batch Weight
This field lists the total weight of the formula, in micrograms, milligrams, grams, or kilograms, based on the amount per serving, servings per container, and number of containers.
Batch Cost
This field lists the total cost of the formula ingredients.
User Code
This is the ingredient user code from the Ingredient screen.(Esha code removed)
Chemical Impurities
Chemical Impurities that have been entered for the ingredients will be displayed on the Formula Screen. When the totals exceed recommended thresholds, they will appear in red at the bottom of the Formula screen.